Kelly, David A. Ballpark Mysteries 3: The L.A. Dodger 105 pages Random House, 2011. $4.99 Content: PG. EARLY READER. Mike and Kate fly to Los Angeles to see Kate’s father who scouts for the L.A. Dodgers. While there Kate’s father is threatened that if he doesn’t quit his job that bad things will happen. Kate and Mike keep their eyes open and see someone who is following Kate’s father as they are going to the different tourist sites. Eventually Kate and Mike help catch the man and Kate’s father’s stolen possessions are returned and he is able to keep his job.
This was a fun fast paced transitional reader and there are fun facts about baseball at the end of the story. EL (3-6)-OPTIONAL. Reviewer, C. Peterson.
Thanks for reviewing my book. I had a great time writing The L.A. Dodger for my Ballpark Mysteries series. Interested readers may want to check out the main character's (Mike's) website and blog at
ReplyDeleteAlso, there's a teacher's guide available for the first book in the series, The Fenway Foul-Up, that gives some great curriculum- and baseball-oriented projects and activities. You can download the teacher's guide under the "educators" tab on the Ballpark Mysteries website.
Lastly--there are new new Ballpark Mysteries coming out this year, The Astro Outlaw (set at the Houston Astros!) and The All-Star Joker (set in Kansas City during this year's All-Star game!).
David A. Kelly