
Sunday, January 15, 2012

An Elephant in the Garden by Michael Morpurgo - ADVISABLE

Morpurgo, Michael  An Elephant in the Garden 199 pages.  Feiwel and Friends, 2010.  $16.99 Language PG-13 (8 swears); Violence: G; Mature Content: G.  Lizzie is an older woman in a retirement home who tells her experiences of World War II to a nurse and her son.  Lizzie’s mother worked at a zoo in Dresden and protected a young elephant from being killed during the bombing of Dresden.  Because of the destruction of the bomb, Lizzie and her mother and brother became refugees and traveled to their family’s farm for protection.  However, when they got to the farm their family was gone and they found an enemy soldier in the barn.  They join forces with the soldier and find their way to the Allied forces who help shelter them until the war is over.  

This is a simple story with good characters and exciting experiences.  EL (4-6)-OPTIONAL; MS-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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