
Friday, January 13, 2012

The Darlings in Love by Melissa Kantor - ADVISABLE

Kantor, Melissa The Darlings in Love. Hyperion , 2012. $16.99  Language- PG (7 sears); Mature Content-PG ; Violence-PG.   Victoria, Natalya, and Jane all have different lifestyles and plans for the year.  Between boys and school they really don't know if they even have enough time for their friendship.  With problems brewing with those they love most, they hope the can remain true to not only themselves,  but to each other.  I really liked this book.  It's the second in the "Darling's" series.  The girls are easily relateble to and also entertaining at the same time.  MS-  ADVISABLE Student Reviewer: BJS     

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