
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Red Sled by Lita Judge - ESSENTIAL

Judge, Lita Red Sled.  Atheneum (Simon), 2011.  $17.  PICTURE BOOK.  

A little child leaves a red sled outside and the wide arrange of creatures who borrow it overnight leave behind a tempting array of tracks after their moonlit joyride.  So tempting that the child watches the next night to see who it is that is borrowing the sled.  

If you read this book to a child who has never seen snow, you’d better be prepared to take them sledding – it is that infectious.  Ms. Judges’ illustrations are full of wonder and delight and even I wonder how much fun would it be to sled with a bear!  

EL (K-3) – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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