
Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Million Suns by Beth Revis - ESSENTIAL

Revis, Beth A Million Suns (Across the Universe trilogy, book #2). 387 p. Razorbill, 2012. $18. Language – PG (a few minor swear words), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG-13 (several gory deaths described in moderate detail).

In this sequel to Across the Universe, chaos reigns aboard Godspeed as Elder struggles to control the people on his ship without Phydus - a difficult feat, as dissenters stir up discord and violence tears apart the once-peaceful community. Meanwhile, Orion has left clues for Amy to follow, all leading to a giant revelation and a decision only she and Elder can make. Throughout the story, only one thing is certain: they must get off the ship. Although the beginning moves slowly, once the story gets going A Million Suns is a suspenseful murder mystery, an exploratory sci-fi, a messy romance, and a political discourse all in one. Fans of the first in the series should find this one equally riveting.

HS - ESSENTIAL. Reviewed by: Caryn

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