
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ghosts in the Fog by Samantha Seiple - ESSENTIAL

Seiple, Samantha. Ghosts in the Fog: The Untold Story of Alaska's WWII Invasion, 179 pgs. Scholastic Press, 2011. $16.99.  Language : G ; Mature Content : G ; Violence : PG-13 = references to, but not detailed in nature, to historically accurate accounts of warfare.
The Aleutian Islands had to be taken in order to form a base from which the Japanese could attack and conquer the Western U.S.  Because of the political backlash and fear that this event would cause in America, one of the most secretive and bloody battles of WWII took place at one of the gateways to the United States of America!  Good: This historically accurate account was covered from different angles and from various peoples points of view. The horrors of war are revealed enough so that the reader understands that great men and women gave everything, including their lives, so that America could maintain its freedoms.  Bad: I could not find anything wrong with how the story was written. MS - ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Kevin R. Moray

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