
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Flyaway by Lucy Christopher - ESSENTIAL

Christopher, Lucy Flyaway, 329 pgs. Chicken House, 2011. $16.99. Language-G(0swears,0”f”), Sexual Content-G;Violence-G; Iris and her dad share a love for swans that connect them through trying times.  Iris learns that the characteristics of swans can be a metaphor to life.  Her father becomes ill and is hospitalized.  During this time a relationship develops with a boy named Harry who has cancer.  The story brings to life topics such as dying, love for others, family problems, a love for animals, peer pressure and more.  The author pulled you into the life of Iris and her family. She brought out real life emotions and character traits that young children would relate to. Upper EL, MS- ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: M. Pierson

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