
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite by Anna Calenza - ADVISABLE

Calenza, Anna Harwell Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite, illustrated by Don Tate.  Charlesbridge, 2011.  $20.  PICTURE BOOK with CD.  Content: G.  Celenza uses history, liner notes and a little imagination to recount how Duke Ellington and his orchestra ended up reimagining Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite for the jazz era.  I have to say, instead of the classic ballet or the Nutty Nutcracker, I would much rather see Ellington’s piece as the backing for a ballet or modern dance performance during Christmas.  A great inspiration for a band, orchestra, dance troupe.  And a refreshing change from an over-performed “Christmas” piece.  EL, MS, HS – ADVISABLE. 

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