
Friday, December 23, 2011

A Christmas Tree for Pyn by Olivier Dunrea - ADVISABLE

Dunrea, Olivier  A Christmas Tree for Pyn  PICTURE BOOK Philomel Books, 2011.  $16.99  Content: G.  Pyn lives in the mountains with her father, Oother.  Pyn is a small little girl and her father is a large mountain man.  Pyn takes care of her dad by feeding him and cleaning up the house, and her father goes out into the woods and works.  When it comes close to Christmas time, Pyn wants a Christmas tree and when her dad doesn’t respond, she takes matters into her own hands.  As she is walking into the woods a snowstorm almost buries little Pyn, but her father comes and gets her and together they find a tree.  The two bond over decorating their Christmas tree.  It’s a cute story about relationships and the illustrations are great.  EL-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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