
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Paradise by Jill S. Alexander - ADVISABLE

Alexander, Jill S.  Paradise, 246 pages  Feiwel and Friends, 2011. $16.99 (Language PG-13 (18 swears); Violence-G ; Sexual Content  PG-13 ) Paisley is a drummer, a closet drummer.  She is part of a band that wants to make it big at the upcoming band show in Austin and nothing is going to distract her, except maybe the new lead singer, Gabriel.  Gabriel teaches Paisley and the band how to find their confidence and believe in their musical abilities.  Paisley works through telling her family about her dreams of being a drummer and finds how strong she didn’t want to know she could be.  Fun romance and coming of age novel.  There is teen dialogue with a stress in favor of sexual abstinence.  HS - ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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