
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One Little Chicken by Elka Weber - OPTIONAL

Weber, Elka One Little Chicken  Illustrated by Elisa Kleven Tricycle Press, 2011. $16.99 PICTURE BOOK Content-G.  Leora is a little girl who finds a chicken that has walked into her kitchen.  When she asks her mom if she can keep it, her mother explains that “finders aren’t keepers” and explains that they will care for the chicken until its rightful owner claims it.  As they care for the chicken, it lays eggs and they eventually sell the chicks and buy a goat.  By the time the owner of the chicken comes around, Leora’s father has a bunch of goats.  When the owner leaves Leora’s house, he is a wealthy man with all of his goats.  This book explains what it is to be a good neighbor and to respect other people’s things.  EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.   

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