
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Life as a Stuntboy by Janet Tashjian- ESSENTIAL

Tashjian, Janet. Tashjian, Jake. My Life as a Stuntboy,  272 pgs.  Henry Holt and Co., 2011.  $13.99.  A boy named Derek gets to be a stunt boy in a movie.  He has to wear a wig and he is worried about what his friends will think.  Life gets bad when his friend makes a video of him.  I loved this book!  I liked that it had a lot of real life brands (like Disney Channel).  I liked that he had a monkey for a pet.  It was really funny.  The illustrations were stick figures and fun to look at.  I would really like the author to write another book in this series!  EL.   ESSENTIAL.  Student Reviewer: JL- age 9. 

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