
Friday, November 4, 2011

Home Free by Sharon Jennings –NOT RECOMMENDED

Jennings, Sharon Home Free (Gutsy Girl Series), 160 pgs. Second Story Press, 2009. $8.95. (Language-G Violence-G; Sexual Content-PG13)
Set in the 1960’s, this story is told from the point of view of Lee -a young girl who knows how to use a dictionary, knows a lot about everyone in her neighborhood, and loves Anne of Green Gables. When an orphan, Cassandra, moves in next door, Lee jumps at the chance to make a new friend. When summer comes, there are many revelations for both girls and a lot of growing up.
I know quirky characters are popular and often times memorable, but I found Lee to be flat out annoying. Her voice was younger than her given age, and a whole lot younger than the sexual content of the book. (near molestation, porn mags, dirty neighborhood men, mild sex talk). On all accounts cringe worthy. The 1960’s setting detracted from the book, (it didn’t add anything significant from that time period), and instead dated it -making it hard for today's students to relate. In that regard the many literary and music references will not be appreciated by today’s students, and if you haven’t read Anne of Green Gables, the whole book is almost a total loss.
Elementary –NOT RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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