
Monday, November 21, 2011

Guys Read: Funny Business edited by Jon Scieszka - ADVISABLE

Scieszka, Jon (editor).  Guys Read: Funny Business, 256 pgs. Walden Pond Press (Harper Collins), 2010. $16.99. Language-PG (no swears, but some might find a few things crude); Violence-G; Sexual Content-G.  This book is a compilation of short stories.  The only common ingredient is that they are supposed to be funny.  In the stories, everyone wants to be friends with a nerd, a boy learns if he has super powers, we all discover how Artemis Fowl was created, and a father wishes his boy could be more like the turkey in the back yard.  I enjoyed reading these stories.  Some were, obviously, better than others, but I still am glad to have read this book.  I think maybe the best way to read this book is not necessarily cover to cover, but rather have the readers choose the stories they want to read out of it.  Therefore, if you have this book on your shelf, I recommend that you do not do any sort of assessment on it, but just let the books be enjoyed.  Because some of the stories are so funny I couldn't stop laughing.  MS, HS – ADVISABLE.  Brent Smith, Reading Teacher.

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