Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Art Collector by Jan Wahl - OPTIONAL
Wahl, Jan. The Art Collector, illustrated by Rosalinde Bonnet. Charlesbridge, 2011. $15.95. PICTURE BOOK. When Oscar visited Great-Granny (who only looks like a great-grandma because she has glasses dangling on a necklace and her hair is gray--not even white; otherwise she looks as wrinkle free and young as I imagine Oscar's mom would look), she drew him a picture of a chicken. Oscar's parents helped him frame the picture, and that was the beginning of his art collection. He collected and collected and collected some more. Well, I didn't love this book. I didn't hate it, but like so many picture books, it seemed to be trying too hard to be artistic and clever. I can't imagine someone would be inspired to collect art by reading this book. Pre-K, EL(K-3) - OPTIONAL. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
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