
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Aliens Love Panta Claus by Claire Freedman - NOT RECOMMENDED

Freedman, Claire  Aliens Love Panta Claus  Illustrated by Ben Cort.  Aladdin, 2011.  $16.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content-G.  This book is obviously part of a series of some sort.  There is no set up for the characters and their motivation.  Aliens who are obsessed with underwear decide to help Santa Claus get ready for Christmas by wrapping underwear in with the kids’ toys.  When Santa’s sleigh breaks they let him use their spacecraft.  Also, when they go into the homes with Santa they exchange children’s stockings for underwear.  The illustrations are bright and colorful, it’s too bad they are wasted on this weird, creepy story about underwear.  Pre-K and EL (K-3) NO.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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