
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead -OPTIONAL

Mead, Richelle adapted by Dragoon, Leigh illustrated by Vieceli, Emma Vampire Academy, 144 pgs. Razorbill, 2011. $6.85. (Language-G, Violence-PG; Sexual Content-PG13.)
A graphic novel adaptation of the first novel in the book series. Apparently Rose and Lissa have run away from the academy prior to this storyline, and here we find them caught and brought back to the vampire training academy/school. While Rose is only technically in training to protect Lissa, their years on the run have made it her self-appointed duty. They have an almost mystical bond. When Lissa goes missing, her mortal yet vampiric life may be on the line, so Rose must use their bond to try to rescue her.
As a stand alone graphic novel, this story does not work for me at all. Despite the fact that it may mirror the book plot, this strongly felt like the second book in a series. I also think the assumption is made that the reader has previously read the book series –because it seemed sparse. Although the artwork is fun, I only recommend if the Vampire Academy book series is already popular at your school. (Note: there is a near nude make-out scene depicted in detail).
HS – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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