Protopopescu, Orel Thelonious Mouse illustrated by Anne Wildsdorf 32 pg. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2011. PICTURE BOOK. $16.99. Thelonious Mouse is a snazzy and jazzy mouse that can't help but move to the beat. Much to the displeasure of this parents, Thelonious Mouse tries to get Fat Cat to jump and jive with him as well. With some near cat-and-the-mouse games gone bad, Fat Cat finally becomes the Glad Cat and pings and sings with his newfound friends, the mice.
Perhaps I am off the beat, but this story fell flat for me. It was too cumbersome to read and the rhythm didn't flow well. The text was way too long to keep the interest of young kids and I'm not sure how an older audience would take to it. Great illustrations but poor story. EL-OPTIONAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher.
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