
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Season of Secrets by Sally Nicholls - ADVISABLE

Nicholls, Sally Season of Secrets, 225 pgs. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2011. $16.99.

Content: G


When sisters Hannah and Molly move in with their grandparents after their mother's death Hannah takes it out on grandma and grandpa. Molly can't stand to be in the house when Hannah fights with them so she goes out exploring. On one of her adventures she fines a strange man who can make flowers grow out of nothing. Molly askes herself can this man make our Mom come back to life, and if so could I convince him to do so.

A touching story of how a little girl accepts that her mother isn't coming back. I liked the added part of the man being part of some old type of mythology. I also liked how different her school life is from the normal school day we experience.

Student Reviewer: Kylie Usher

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