
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pearl by Jo Knowles - ADVISABLE

Knowles, Jo Pearl 216 pages. Henry Holt and Company, 2011.  Language PG13 (15 swears, mostly G,); Sexual Content PG13; Violence G;

15 year-old Pearl a.k.a Bean, and her best friend Henry have been trying for years to find out what has happened to their fathers. The truth is often more painful than reality so they spend their free time imagining their fathers are off fighting secret missions for the government or locked up against their will in a foreign country.  When a sudden tragedy strikes, Bean’s world begins to change for doesn’t seem like the better. New information is coming to light and she relies heavily on Henry to help her through.

Although the topics in the book are for older audiences, it seemed like it would be a good book for a reluctant reader or lower-level reader.

HS, ADVISABLE. Shauna, Reading teacher.

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