
Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody - ESSENTIAL

Brody, Jessica My Life Undecided, 296 pages. FSG (Macmillan), 2010. 16.99.

Language-PG13 (10swears, 0 F’s), Sexual Content- PG13, Violence- PG13 (guns, robbery, fire started);


Brooklyn has always been known to make bad decisions. When she was two she fell into a mine and was stuck down there for 48 hours, now it is 13 years later and Brooklyn is still finding herself making horrible decisions. After Brooklyn has found herself in a mine, in many ambulance rides, and in jail she has finally decided to change her ways once and for all. Brooklyn starts a blog called My Life Undecided and decides she is going to put her fate in the hands of her readers, soon her blog becomes one of the most talked about websites and her life is turning around.

Follow Brooklyn through her struggles, emotions, and some of the happiest days of her life. As I read My Life Undecided I found myself beginning to relate to Brooklyn in some ways. This is a good book for all high school girls to read it helps you learn ways to get through the ups and downs of your teenage years.

Student Reviewer

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