
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Miss Smith Under the Ocean by Michael Garland - OPTIONAL

Garland, Michael Miss Smith Under the Ocean Dutton Children’s Books, 2011 $16.99. Content G-Picture Book. Miss Smith has an Incredible Storybook that when she reads from it, the stories come to life. On a trip to the local aquarium, she begins to read from the storybook and deep sea adventures like The Little Mermaid, Gulliver’s Travels, and Treasure Island come out of the pages and into the lives of her students. This book would be great to expose kids to a variety of books that they might not think to choose for themselves, however the references are vague and don’t give many details about the stories. The reader only knows Miss Smith is referencing a book because she tells them. OPTIONAL, Elementary. Shauna, Reading Teacher.

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