Stuber, Barbra Crossing the Tracks, pgs. 258.Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2010. $8.99 Language: PG13 (41swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content-PG13; Violence:PG; Life in 1926 is moving forward for Iris Baldwing, a fifteen year old girl who has lost her mother ten years previously. The relationship between Iris and her father takes an unexpected turn when her father announces he is sending her to take care of an elderly woman living in Wellford, Missouri. Hired by Dr. Nesbitt(the elderly woman’s son), Iris enters a home filled with respect and compassion. She is about to discover the heart of the heartland. As Iris becomes part of their lives she begins to wonder if she is here for them or just the opposite. Her life involves many opportunities to cross the tracks, these choices end up defining the young women she would like to become. The author of this book pulls you into life in the country town of Wellsford. She weaves the plot together to include lessons of prematurely judging others, helping those in need and showing courage in the face of adversity. HS-ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: Mauree Pierson
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