
Thursday, September 22, 2011

What if Everything Had Legs by Scott Mechin-OPTIONAL

Menchin, Scott.  What if Everything Had Legs? 32 pgs.  Candlewick, 2011.  $15.99.  Inside cover: “What if everything had legs?  If everything had legs, rocks wouldn’t roll but rolls could rock.  A rake could jump in leaves, and leaves would leave.  On a walk home with her mother, one girl’s wish that their house could grow legs and come to meet them leads to an imaginative romp through a zany world where everything has legs.”  This is a cute idea, and one that could generate a group discussion and some brainstorming activities.  The word play was often creative and brilliant. We didn’t love the illustrations, it just wasn’t our style.  We did enjoy some of the funny aspects of this “what if” book and thought the idea of the mother taking her daughters mind off the task at hand by using her imagination was great.  Pre-K. EL- (K-3).  OPTIONAL.  Reviewer: SL. 

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