
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Variant by Robinson Wells- ESSENTIAL

Wells, Robinson. Variant, 378 pgs. Harper Teen, 2011. $17.99.  Language-PG (3 swears, 0 ‘f’), Sexual Content- G, Violence- PG-13. Benson Fisher is a foster kid, who’s just applied and received a scholarship to Maxfield Academy. He thinks that a scholarship will be a ticket out of his life, moving from foster home to foster home. But once he gets to the academy, he realizes something is wrong. The doors lock themselves, and he’s trapped in a school surrounded by a razor wire fence and cameras that watch the student’s every move. While most of the students are resigned to their fate inside the school, Benson is determined to find a way out. I loved this book! It reminded me a lot of the book “The Maze Runner.” You’re completely sucked in the whole time trying to figure out who’s testing these kids and why. It was great! Middle School, High School- ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: AL

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