
Monday, September 5, 2011

A Place to Call Home by Alexis -ESSENTIAL

Deacon, Alexis.  Schwarz, Viviane.  A Place To Call Home, 40 pgs.  Candlewick, 2011.   $16.99. 

Back cover:  “What happens when you grow too big for your nice, warm, safe home?  You have to go out into the world to find a new one…”  When seven hamster-like creatures outgrown their birth place, they band together to find a new home.  They encounter great adventure as they cross the junkyard (after arming themselves humorous headgear: rubber gloves, a faucet, a paper towel tube, etc.)  in search for a new place of safety and serenity.

We laughed and cheered as these little creatures “conquered the world,” saved one of their siblings from the junkyard dog, and ultimately succeeded in their task at hand. The illustrations are incredible.  The text is written in comic bubbles.  This is a great, entertaining picture book. 

Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer: SL.   

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