
Friday, September 2, 2011

Orani: My Fathers Village by Claire A Nivola -OPTIONAL

Nivola, Claire A. Orani: My Fathers Village, 40 pgs. Farrar, Straus and Giroux , 2011. $11.55. NON-FICTION.
Author, Claire Nivola spent many summers in the village of Orani, located in Sardinia. It was were her father grew up and many relatives still lived. Her summer’s were full of simple adventures and a joy in life. But at the end of each summer her family returned to NYC.
From an adult perspective, I loved this book, it was full of charming artwork and it made me want to move to Sardinia (although the author’s note explains how much it has changed there since her summers). But I think students not enjoy it as much without some teaching tools –like compare and contrast. If there had been more author commentary –explaining how she enjoyed it so much in contrast to New York, readers might find an easier time relating. There were a few cultural elements but not enough to make for a great curriculum connection.
EL -OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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