
Monday, September 26, 2011

The Last Best Days of Summer by Valerie Hobbs-OPTIONAL

Hobbs, Valerie, The Last Best Days of Summer. Frances Foster Books, 2010. Language: G, Violence: G, Sexual Content: G

Every year, during the last week of summer, Lucy spends time with her grandmother at her cabin across the lake. It’s there that she can forget about her popularity-obsessed friend, the upcoming school year, her worry-prone mother, and the special needs boy in her neighborhood who likes to spend a lot of time playing with her. When Eddie, the special needs boys, shows up at her grandmother’s cabin, however, things take an interesting twist. Her grandmother suddenly seems more fragile and less able to remember things. As Lucy watches her solid center in life seem to crumble, she worries that her life is changing faster than she can handle. Can Lucy find herself again amidst the chaos of life?

A really slow-paced book. It took until I was almost done with the book for the main part of the plot to occur. Although the story was touching and the characters were likable enough, I wouldn’t recommend it to most readers. EL (4-6). OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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