
Friday, September 2, 2011

The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester by Barbara O'Connor -ADVISABLE

O’Conner, Barbara The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester, 176 pgs. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. $10.87.
Owen Jester has a bullfrog which he has named Tooley Graham. While he struggles with his conscience about keeping the frog in captivity, he is having an adventure. Owen has discovered something amazing has fallen off a nearby train. He must work together with his two best friends, and reluctantly with his annoying neighbor Viola if he wants to make his discovery work. Will the fate of Tooley be part of the adventure?
The characters were kind of generic, but as a whole I really like this story. It has a fun summer adventure feel to it. I think that students will relate to the main characters as they are inventive and communicate with a genuine youthful banter. If you purchase it for your library, put something over the cover -or else the entire story is given away!
Elementary –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great book by Barbar O'Connor. I have read all of her books.
