
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Earth to Clunk by Pam Smallcomb- ESSENTIAL

Smallcomb, Pam.  Berger, Joe.  Earth to Clunk,  40 pgs.  Dial, 2011.  $16.99. 

Inside cover:  “What do bossy big sisters, dirty socks, and old lasagna have in common?  They’re all things you send to your alien pen pal Clunk to make it clear you do NOT want an alien pen pal.  But when Clunk fires back with an annoying Zoid, three smelly Forps, and a weird (but tasty!) glob, well, you may have met your match!  Deadpan comedy, vibrant artwork, an unexpected friendship, and an uproarious surprise ending will have kids laughing all the way back to the start of this sweet-in-spite-of-itself story.” 

I loved this book!  It was funny, easy to read, and interesting.  I would like to read it again and again!  The pictures are great.  It made me want a pen pal from outer space! 

Pre-K.  EL (K-3)  ESSENTIAL.  Student Reviewed: JL- age 8. 

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