
Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's Following Us? by Brandy Cooke- ESSENTIAL

Cooke, Brandy.  Reasoner, Chuck. What’s Following Us? 18 pgs.  Simon and Schuster, 2011.  $6.99.  Back cover: “Swish… Swoosh.  Something scary and strange is following Scaredy Snake and his pals through the jungle.  What could it be?  As the SWISH-ing and SWOOSH-ing gets closer, the animal friends find out that things are not always what they seem.”  I usually don’t recommend board books as ESSENTIAL, but the illustrations and story line of this little book are too incredible to pass up!  We were guessing “what was following” them through the whole book, and we were still surprised at the ending!  The illustrations are bright, vivid, and incredible.  I hope they make this book into a picture book soon!  Pre-K. EL (K-3).  ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer: SL.

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