
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Timeless by Alexandra Monir - ESSENTIAL

Monir, Alexandra Timeless, 280 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2011. $16.99.

Language-G (0 swears), Sexual Content PG-13; Violence-G;

Michele is on a race through time. With newly struck tragedy in the Windsor family, Michele dives into her family's past. Now she's rushing to save the boy who is litterally the man of her dreams. All the while trying to keep a normal schedule, going to school, cope with her grandparents, and learning to be inspired by the women of her past.

This book was amazingly written. I loved all the trips through time and the oppertunity to find who you are and where you came from. Michele and Philip are so cute together! Their relationship keeps you guessing and with the cliffhanger ending, this book is destened to be a hit!

MS - ESSENTIAL.  Student Reviewer: KU

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts and opinions about the book. It sounds like a great read!!
    BTW, love your blog design.

    Sherry Soule Official Website

    Author of the Spellbound Series
