Protopopescu, Orel. Wilsdorf, Anne. Thelonious Mouse, 32 pgs. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. $16.99. Inside cover: “Thelonious was some cool cat- for a mouse. Scatting to the beat of his dancing feet, the snazziest, jazziest mouse alive sends Fat Cat into overdrive! Mouse bounces, cat pounces- claws screaming, teeth gleaming! Nothing’s ever going to be the same once this cat-and-mouse game plays in eight-footed time with slick rhythm and rhyme! Will sly mouse live to sing alonious? That’s the twist in this tale of Thelonious!” We enjoyed reading this book. My son and I took turns reading the regular text and italicized text. We even tried adding different voices and the excitement and rhythm the author was trying to portray. The illustrations are incredible and make the story believable. This is a fast moving, fun, and thrilling book. EL (K-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: SL.
This book looks great! Thank you for the recommendation.