
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Cold Went on Vacation by Molly Rausch-ADVISABLE

Rausch, Molly.  Krug, Nora. My Cold Went on Vacation, 32 pgs.  Putnam Juvenile, 2011.  $16.99.  Inside cover:  “Cold germs really like to travel!  Colds don’t stick around long.  After his cold goes away, one little boy wonders where it went.  Is it visiting his aunt in Iowa or his grandmother in Las Vegas?  Maybe it is sailing across the ocean, flying over the dessert, or climbing the Alps.  Perhaps it will visit each continent before it reaches its final destination… which isn’t so far, after all.”  We enjoyed the simplicity of the main characters imagination, and the shocking conclusion of this story.  A cold is something that everyone experiences, so everyone can relate to the illustrations, and the time frame and emotions that are explained in this book.  It would be a great addition to a unit on manners, health, etc.  We weren’t huge fans of the illustrations, but liked the story! Pre-K. El (K-3).  ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: SL.

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