
Monday, August 29, 2011

Goyangi Means Cat by Christine McDonnell-ADVISABLE

McDonnell, Christine.  Johnson, Steve.  Fancher, Lou.  Goyangi Means Cat, 32 pgs.  Viking Juvenile, 2011.  $16.99.  Inside cover:  “When Soo Min comes from Korea to live with her adopted American family, everything is new and strange to her.  There are strange foods she’s never tasted, and strange words she doesn’t understand.  But she finds a friend who’s easy to talk to: Goyangi, the family cat.  Soo Min’s not afraid as long as Goyangi’s with her.  When Goyangi goes missing, it’s up to Soo Min to find him- and discover that home is truly where the heart is.”  We enjoyed this tender, heartwarming tale.  The story helped my son to realize how difficult it would be to find oneself in a new country with new foods and a new language. Even though Soo Min’s parents loved her, it wasn’t until she bonded with the family cat and was forced to try to communicate, that she truly felt “at home” in her new surroundings.  Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ADIVISABLE.  Reviewer: SL. 

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