
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Price of Freedom by A.C. Crispin - OPTIONAL

Crispin, A.C. The Price of Freedom (Pirates of the Caribbean), 653 p.  Disney, 2011.  $23.  


At 25, Jack Sparrow has been pursuing an honest job as a sailor with the East India Trading Company, belying his roots and upbringing in the pirate community.  In a series of flashbacks, we learn not only about Jack’s past and why he broke with the pirates, but also about the youth and growth of a man important to Jack’s future.  Of course beautiful women (two), treasure and supernatural doings populate Jack’s life and he rushes towards the future we know awaits him – Captain of the Black Pearl.  

This is a very weighty tome and doesn’t ever give the reader a chance to take a breath.  Beyond the Jack Sparrow children’s books and what little we know of Jack’s past from the movies, Crispin stuff’s the remainder of Jack’s back story into one book.  This is way too much book for children to read – maybe if it were divided into two or three.  It took me many days, reading the book in short sections to make my way through it.  Maybe your best high school students who are enamored with the movies?  Adults who love Pirates and books about sailing are a much better audience.  

Cindy, Library Teacher

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