
Friday, July 8, 2011

The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith - NO

Smith, Andrew The Marbury Lens, 358 pgs. Feiwel and Friends, 2010. Language - PG-13 (45+ swears, 21+ "f" - in the first 54 pages), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG; I didn't read past page 54. The main guy, Jack, is almost raped twice and the swearing was really getting to me. There was no way in this universe I was going to sit through another 300 pages of it. HS - NO. Reviewer: CCH

From Cindy - it is the policy of Kiss the Book to not force a student to finish a book that offends them.  If you have a different opinion of this book, please write a WELL-THOUGHT OUT review and critique and submit it as a comment.  If you are just going to attack my student, your comments will not be posted.

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