
Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch- ESSENTIAL

Crouch, Katie. The Magnolia League, 348 pgs.  Poppy, 2011. $17.99  Language PG-13 (21 swears, 0 ‘f’), Sexual Content- PG, Violence-G.  After her mother’s death, Alex Lee is forced to leave her friends and home on the West Coast to live with her grandmother in Savannah, Georgia. Being ripped from her free spirited hippie lifestyle and being forced to conform to her grandmother’s debutant society, the Magnolia League, doesn’t sit well with Alex. But soon her new lifestyle of magic and voodoo finds Alex skinny and beautiful, a far contrast from the pudgy, plain girl she was in California.  But a she dives deeper and deeper into the secrets of the Magnolia League, she finds that beauty and power come at a price. I loved this book! It’s easy to see yourself in Alex’s place, what would happen if you had power and beauty at your fingertips. The storyline is full of intrigue and very well written.  Middle School, High School- ESSENTIAL.  Student Reviewer- AL

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