Stringham, Jean The Hoarders, 198 p. Cedar Fort, 2010. $10. Content: G. Cheyenne and Joaquin must be very careful. Whenever possible, they put aside a little food, or a lot of food, because there are many days when Momma doesn’t have any money for food or she just doesn’t remember to feed them. When Momma disappears, the boys are happy to live with their Aunt Amy and everyone in the family seems happy about it. But there are more bad days ahead and the boys had better not forget their hoarding ways any time soon. While this book has its weaknesses, it is compelling enough that some children will be drawn to it. She skillfully draws the family dynamic and the boys’ fears, but not everything rings true and the end, while good for a young reader, is a bit too pat. EL, MS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher
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