
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cleopatra Confesses by Carolyn Meyer - OPTIONAL

Meyer, Carolyn Cleopatra Confesses, 271 p. Simon, 2011.  $17.  Content: PG (mentions of affairs – nothing graphic).  From her youngest days, Cleopatra of Egypt has known that she was meant fro greatness.  Her father, the ruler, has prepared her in small ways and competing against her sisters – trying to just stay alive – has given her other weapons.  Her life is complicated and weighted down by scandal, intrigue, ritual and strife.  She must very carefully maneuver if she is to fulfill her dream and rule Egypt in her own right.  Meyer has taken a very complicated life and tried to distill it to its core – to a place that students can understand.  Meyer follows Cleopatra all the way to her death, reliving the roles and decisions that she is forced into as an adult, not just her childhood.  By trying to uncover the entirety of such a complicated life, Meyer doesn’t succeed as well as she did in her early novels which mainly explored the childhoods/teen years of her subjects.  Students, girls especially, will be drawn to the cover, but they will only enjoy it if they truly love reading about history.  MS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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