Arnosky, Jim. At This Very Moment, 32 pgs. Dutton Juvenile, 2011.16.99. Inside cover: “Amazing things are happening at this very moment… Every morning when you wake up, animals around the world are waking with you.As you brush your teeth and get ready for school, they’re preparing for their days, too.From bears to their cubs in green grassy meadows to finback whales on breezy coasts, the natural world is full of life and splendor just waiting to be discovered.”We loved the idea of thinking outside of our every day lives, and thinking about what animals throughout the world might be doing.The illustrations are beautiful!This is a great bedtime story.“Think of all the animals getting sleepy, too, who at this very moment will fall asleep with you.” EL (K-3).ADVISABLE.Reviewer: SL
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