
Monday, June 6, 2011

I So Don't Do Makeup by Barrie Summy

Summy, Barrie I So Don't Do Makeup 256 pg. Delacorte Press, 2010. Language-G; Sexual Content-G; Violence-G. $16.99. 

The third in Summy's I So Don't Do series, Sherry Holmes Baldwin must solve the case of the messed up make-up! After Sherry and her friends have a glitz-and-glam sleepover, they wake up with puffy and burning faces. Detective Sherry takes it upon herself to figure out who is tampering with the Naked Makeup at the mall kiosk. With the help of her ghost mother and grandfather, Sherry cracks the case, but not without a few sacrifices along the in going makeup-less for days! 

This is a fun, contemporary mystery with a smart but stylish main character. I haven't read any of Summy's other books so the whole my-mom-is-a-ghost-detective thing kind of threw me through a loop at the beginning. This is a great read for a modern chic chick. 

EL/MS-ADVISABLE. Whitney, Library-Teacher. 

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