
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Zombies Vs. Unicorns by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier - PUBLIC

Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier, Zombies Vs. Unicorns, 415 pgs, Margaret K. Mcelderly books, 2010,

Language: R (30+ swears, 20+ "F");  Mature Content - PG13 (some sexual scenes and innuendos) violence – PG.  

In a collaboration by some of the greatest scifi and fantasy authors around today, Holly Black and Justine Larbalester answer the most important question ever to plague mankind. Which is the more awesome fantasy creature; Zombies, or Unicorns? Each story is unique, featuring a different side of each beast. Can a zombie love? Are unicorns really man-eating monsters? All have convincing arguments, but who will you side with?  

I really loved this book, and even though I was with Team Unicorn in the start, I found myself leaning just a bit towards team zombie after a few stories. Zombies vs. Unicorns featured works from many authors I already love to read, like Garth Nix Meg Cabot, and Scott Westerfield. It's one flaw, the language. I'm only sad I can't recommend this to a lot of my friends because of how many times some authors swore. Other than that, I would be telling everyone I knew to read it. It makes me sad to say it, but I can't advise it to anything other than public only.

PUBLIC ONLY-ADVISABLE, student reviewer: BT

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