
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To Timbuktu by Casey Scieszka -ADVISABLE

Scieszka, Casey and Illustrated by Weinberg, Steven To Timbuktu, 496 pgs. Roaring Brook Press, 2011. $13.59. (Swear Count: 0). Sexual Content-PG. Violence -PG
Casey and Steven travel the world together, using a variety of financing methods such as research grants and teaching English as a second language. They meet in Morocco and live together in China, vacation in Laos, and eventually travel to Timbuktu in Mali. The reader finds out about the in and outs of traveling and living cheaply, teaching English, and making friends. One long adventure, this entire true story is fully illustrated, that’s right, on every page!
This story features two incredibly brave, fun, smart, interesting, and creative people. But, I was exhausted after reading this giant book. So many places, new things, people, and experiences –frankly they all started to blur together. A high school or college student who is interesting in traveling on a dime and maybe teaching English abroad must read this.
HS –ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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