
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ribbit Rabbit by Candace Ryan -ADVISABLE

Ryan, Candace & Illustrated by Lowery, Mike Ribbit Rabbit, 32 pgs. Walker Books for Young Readers, 2011. $9.99. EARLY READER
Ribbit is a frog and Rabbit is a Rabbit, together they are best friends. They do everything together. Small fights lead to a large fight and their favorite toy, a robot, no longer works because one of them has the key and the other has the body. Can they get over their differences and be friends again?
Definitely at pre-k level, both for text and content. The art is simple and very child-like, but adorable. I would recommend this book a great story for storytime, since it has large illustrations with simple large words that are fun to say and tells a sweet story.
Pre-K –Advisable. Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.

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