
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Oil Spill by Elaine Landau-OPTIONAL

Oil Spill!: Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico
Landau, Elaine, Oil Spill!: Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Millbrook Press, 2011. INFORMATION.

In April 2010, a deep water oil rig exploded and sank. Oil flowed in great mases from a well that refused to seal. The possibility of sealing it seemed almost hopeless. This is the story of how the government, lots of scientists, and civilian volunteers helped to clean up the Gulf of Mexico and made it a safe place to go again.

The photos and illustrations are helpful. The layout is easy to follow. The information is helpful and well-researched. Readers who are interested in oil disasters, sea life, and science and engineering will like reading this book. EL (4-6). MS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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