
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Noonie's Masterpiece by Lisa Railsback - ADVISABLE

Railsback, Lisa Noonie's Masterpiece illustrated by Sarajo Frieden 208 pg. Chronicle Books, 2010. $18.99. 


Fourth grade Noonie is a budding artist just waiting to be found out. She knows she will be famous one day, but like most famous artists, it will probably be when she is dead. After her mother dies and her father travels the world for work, Noonie Norton lives with her aunt, uncle and cousin who don't realize her artistic genius at all. Throughout the book Noonie goes through different artistic periods--her blue period, her purple period, and even her polka dot period--all while trying to convince her dad to come and take her away with him. 

The story has such a good mixture of compelling storyline, artistic flair, and humorous personality. It could also generate discussion for all levels of readers. From the theme of "a brave artist should never give up" to the death of a loved one, to different family dynamics, this book covers an array of topics. This book was an ARC so I wonder what it will look like to have the illustrations in color...even more compelling, I think. 

EL/MS- ADVISABLE. Whitney, Library-Teacher. 

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