Rallison, Janette My Double Life, 265 pgs. G.P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 2010. $16.99. Language- PG (Mentions Swearing but not with actual words), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G; My Double Life follows the story of Alexia Garcia who has been told all of her life that she looks like the famous rock star Kari Kingsley besides her being brunette. When tracked down by Kari's agent she is offered and accepts the job of being Kari's double. Whisked to Hollywood she tries to track down the whereabouts of her lost father. Living the life of the Rich and Famous, she falls in love with another celebrity, but he thinks that she is Kari Kingsley. This book is a great pleasure to read. It also shows how Hollywood may not seem so glamorous all the time. EL, MS - ESSENTIAL Student Reviewer: HF
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