
Friday, May 13, 2011

Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile by Gloria Houston

Houston, Gloria Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile, illustrated by Susan Condie Lamb.  Harper, 2011.  $16.99.  PICTURE BOOK.  Content: G.  Growing up and in library school, Dorothy dreamed of being a librarian in a red brick building like her hometown library in Massachusetts.  Instead, after she moves to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, she became the librarian for a little green bookmobile and still fulfilled her dream of sharing her love of books with people of all ages and circumstances.  Gloria Houston was one of Miss Dorothy’s patrons and honors her and all bookmobile librarians with her picture book.  Librarians will want it for their collections just for the subject, but children will enjoy it too.  EL – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher

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