
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cloudy with a Chance of Boys by Megan McDonald - OPTIONAL

McDonald, Megan Cloudy with a Chance of Boys, 260 pgs. Candlewick Press, 2011. $15.99. Language-G; Mature Content-G; Violence-G. Stevie does not know a lot about boys, but that all changes when a boy from her Earth Science class is developing a crush on her. Stevie does not know what to do, so she asks advice from her sisters, Alex and Joey. Alex tells Stevie to go for it, but Joey would rather kiss a frog than a boy. This book is creatively written, the format is confusing at some times through out the book though. It was kind of hard to get interested in the beginning though, need a better hook line/story. I would recommend this book to young girls who would like a good book to read. EL/MS-OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer:CGM

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